In November 2019 bestaat de OT301 precies 20 jaar. Ter gelegenheid van dit jubileum gaan we een boek uitgeven vol foto’s van concerten, workshops, performances, exposities, feesten, marken, repetities etc.
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Vereniging EHBK / OT301
Overtoom 301, 1054 HW Amsterdam

Email contact 
Algemeen: ehbk(at)
Pers/PR: pr(at)
Residency: info(at)

Email contact publieke ruimtes
Studios (Nachtprogramma): party(at)
Ventilator cinema: ventilator(at)
4Bid Gallery (exposities, workshops): 4bidgallery(at)
De Peper (veganistische cultuur keuken): de_peper(at)
AnaMorphic repetitie ruimte: anamorphicstudio(at)

Website ontwerp door // Gebouwd door Usemedia


Schrijf je in voor onze digitale nieuwsbrief en blijf op de hoogte van de evenementen en andere zaken omtrant de OT301.

Posted 27-09-2023

CALL OUT for a 6 months artist residency

OT301 has a CALL OUT for a 6 months RESIDENCY at one of our ateliers, 2nd floor. We now welcome applications from local and international artists/groups, with deadline 1st November 2023 - project period January-June 2024.

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OT301 Public Spaces

Ventilator cinema/bar

Space for discussion, screenings, workshops, meetings and more...


Stichting Studio 301

Music, dance, performances

4bid Gallery

Exhibitions, workshops, performances



Culture kitchen with a South Asian heart


20 years of Art and Autonomy

This book is an archive as well as an attempt to capture a bit of all the energy that has been flowing through the building. 

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Members of the EHBK Community


Fashion designer

George Bean

Theatre educator, maker and performer

Sjam Sjamsoedin

Electronic music

Ruud de Kort
