Tuesday 18 February
Bodlabot // 19:15
Floorwork basics: moving softly and efficiently
Style/type: Floorwork basics: moving softly and efficiently
Instructor: Manuela Lucia Tessi
Entrance: 1 class 14€/ 5 classes 60 €/ 11 classes 121€

Dance classes / Tuesdays 19.15h

Floorwork basics: moving softly and efficiently This class is for all movers that would like to practice the skills of floorwork ( dancing on the ground).

Rolling, sliding, spiraling, gently falling and rising. Using breath and a soft movement quality we will gain more freedom and range in movement access. Effortlessness is my favorite word in dance. How to find the ease, pleasure and playfulness as we move. At the end of the class Monika Stepak will lead a short body work cooling down. 

14 January till 25 march incl

Class with: Manuela Lucia Tessi



Arrival: 19.15h departure 20.30h

Price: 1 class 14€/ 5 classes 60 €/ 11 classes 121€.  Sign in by sms or whatsapp: 0650 99 80 32

Maximum 10 participants / sign in and payment in advance please. From April classes will continue till half July

"Nobody cares if you can't dance well. Just get up and dance. Great dancers are not great because of their technique, they are great because of their passion."

Martha Graham

Photo Theo van Loon
