Friday 05 April
Bodlabot // 09:30
Klein Techniqueâ„¢ Amsterdam
Style/type: Dance Class
Instructor: Tiana Hemlock-Yensen

What is Klein Technique™?
“A Movement Technique - A Healing Technique. In Klein Technique we look at the person as a whole, not just the body. We look at the body as a whole, not just the troubled parts."
Susan Klein

This class is designed to work on the connection through your deepest structure, your bones. Working deeply from the support of your bones supports efficient movement and can bring clarity and ease. The class is open to all. It requires no prior movement experience and is great for anyone who is dealing with gravity. Wear comfortable clothing that you can stretch or move in. Please come a few minutes early so that we can start on time and together.

Class is sliding scale €10-18 but no one will be turned away due to lack of funds.

Contact: for more info.

To find out more about Klein Techniqe™:

Looking forward to seeing you. Tiana