Tuesday 21 November
Anamorphic studio // 20:00
Contact Improvisation Tuesdays
Style/type: Dance Class
Instructor: Kees Lemmens

In Contact Improvisation (CI) physical contact creates possibilities for wonderful dancing. CI Dancers roll and tumble over each other in duets or in groups. The touch is an opportunity for understanding and for support. This gives the dance its enormous potential for subtlety and for 3-dimensionality. In good timing and interaction, also with gravity and momentum, we can carry each other with ease.

In this CI course we consider the basic physical propositions of Contact Improvisation. We will also occasionally touch upon applicable specificities, as well as work on specific CI techniques for lifts and other situations in which the general principles operating in Contact Improvisation are most clear to the body. This course may be very good if you are new to Contact Improvisation. The classes are however, also intended for dancers with any level of experience who are interested in further developing their CI dancing by practicing with us on a regular basis. As a beginner you will probably learn very much from dancing with the experienced CI-dancers who take part, as well as vice-versa. 

times: Tuesday evenings 20.00-22.00
from: September 6th to December 19th
cost: €180 whole course. For try outs contact Kees

Information/registration: kees.lemmens@live.nl

Kees Lemmens studied with some of the founders of CI and has been teaching Contact Improvisation in the Netherlands and abroad since 2009 More about Kees