Studio suitable as: artists studio (photography/visual/multi-media/textile//writing) or activist/artist office space. The studio can be shared and a joint application is possible.
Space: 46 sq/m | High ceiling (approx 4 m) | Rent: €460 monthly, including energy & internet. Rent might be increased in the coming months due to inflation
The space is on the third floor of the building. There is no lift.
It is NOT possible to live in the studio. And the space is not suitable for loud noise (in order to respect the levels of sound pollution in both the building and the neighbourhood). As with all spaces within the OT301, the studio itself isn't completely insulated from noise/sound made in other parts of the building either, so you'd need to be ok with this.
We look forward to receiving your application, including the following information:
- Description of what you do including documentation, text, images and cv. (150-250 words)
- Description of you project, plan or approach of how you would integrate into the building and its organisation.
- What is your idea of the OT301 and why would you like to be a part of it?
If you have questions, please feel free to contact our People and Spaces committee.
More info: otresidency(at)
The studio space is available from 01-08-23
Application deadline: 20-07-2023
Extra info:
OT301 is a legalised squat. A multimedia cultural centre encompassing a mix of non-commercial, (sub)cultural, artistic and activist projects and people. OT301 is owned and run by a collective. All renters are members of the collective and MUST have an interest in playing an active part. Amongst other things, this means participating in regular meetings and taking responsibility for various tasks in working groups to keep the building functioning. This is a self maintained and self sustained project we love and dedicate our time and heart to.
NB: Do NOT apply if you only want to rent a space and are not interested in the commitment required to become a member in such a collective.