About the OT301 Community

The OT301 is an international community of people that work and live in the old Film Acamdemy on the Overtoom in Amsterdam. We are organised as an association called Vereniging EHBK (Eerste Hulp Bij Kunst). Everybody that has or runs a space within the OT301 is a member of that association. As a community we share the responsibilty for the OT301. 


Community member profile

Pierre Mollet - no28 - Power vs Power

Joined OT301 in 2008, i have been involved with the studioz for all these past years. Learning, practicing and working out the stage light system as technician for performances, concerts and dj nights. I starting djing more than 15 years ago, and the first gigs more than 10 years ago from rave parties, squats, clubs, festivals and of course 301 included.
Mixcloud link

Juggling/circus performer and instructor for many years, touching different disciplines but specialised with the Devil's sticks.
Involved with Movement Academy and Life for Life projects. Certified thai massage therapist, have been studying professional courses in Thailand at Wat Po and Chetawan traditional medical and massage school in Bangkok, and TMC massage school in Chiang Mai. 
Facebook page

Also involved with maintenance of the studioz and more generally in the whole building.