The OT301 is an international community of people that work and live in the old Film Acamdemy on the Overtoom in Amsterdam. We are organised as an association called Vereniging EHBK (Eerste Hulp Bij Kunst). Everybody that has or runs a space within the OT301 is a member of that association. As a community we share the responsibilty for the OT301.
Nienke Jansen studied arts at Minerva Art Academy in Groningen and Organisation Anthropology at the Vrije Universiteit in Amsterdam. There she was co-founder of OT301, a breeding ground, also called living-working-space. In 2014 she published the book Autonomy by dissent, dedicated to the breeding grounds and free places in Amsterdam. Nienke has built up years of experience in the Amsterdam (sub)culture where traditionally squats, breeding places and living-working-premises have played an important role. She specifically possesses much knowledge about the complex trajectory of transforming squats to rented to purchased premises.
Nienke Jansen is afgestudeerd aan de kunstacademie Minerva te Groningen en studeerde organisatie-antropologie aan de VU in Amsterdam. Ze is mede-oprichtster van de broedplaats/woonwerkpand OT301 in Amsterdam. In 2014 publiceerde ze Autonomie door tegenspraak. Dit boek is opgedragen aan de broed- en vrijplaatsen in Amsterdam. Nienke heeft jarenlang ervaring opgedaan in de Amsterdamse (sub)cultuur waarin kraakpanden, broedplaatsen en woonwerkpanden vanouds een belangrijke rol spelen. Ze beschikt over waardevolle kennis en ervaring, onder andere met het ingewikkelde traject van kraak naar huur tot koop.