About the OT301 Community

The OT301 is an international community of people that work and live in the old Film Acamdemy on the Overtoom in Amsterdam. We are organised as an association called Vereniging EHBK (Eerste Hulp Bij Kunst). Everybody that has or runs a space within the OT301 is a member of that association. As a community we share the responsibilty for the OT301. 


Community member profile

Mirko Lazović

Mirko Lazović (1979, Belgrade) graduated at the University of Arts in Belgrade and Royal Academy in The Hague, got his MA from the Royal Conservatory in the Hague (2008). His installations place strong thematic emphasis on presence, interactivity, and compositional aspects of time. Light, water, electricity and sound are his working materials. Based in the Netherlands, Lazović’s wide-reaching practice includes solo and group exhibitions throughout Europe, from relevant cultural venues to obscure and abandoned locations.
